You may spend years developing a brilliant product or service, but if you don’t know how to promote it, you’re not going anywhere. Getting new customers isn’t just important when you start; it is vital at any stage of your business’s life. That is why lead generation is crucial part of your business and this article is here to help.
Lead generation provides your company with the leads you need to attain your clients. It’s not just about generating any leads; it’s about generating qualified leads that are converted into valuable customers.
Incorporating lead generation tools in the right areas is an essential part of helping your business succeed. Below are six of the best ways you can generate leads for your business:
1. SMS Marketing
Due to its universal reach, SMS marketing is an excellent way to reach out to new and current customers. SMS is the only medium through which you can reach smartphone users and regular mobile phone users, both.
While customers may ignore a social media push notification, the chances of them ignoring an SMS are much lower. Perhaps one of the best parts of SMS marketing is its ability to be integrated with other marketing campaigns. For instance, if you’re promoting an event or sale on social media, you can always share the link with your customers on SMS.
SMS marketing is a cost-effective lead generation strategy that allows you to reach a lot of people. With an SMS API, you can send messages to customers in several different countries and analyze the results of your campaigns through an online dashboard at any time by using any of the best SMS Online Platforms that produce results.
2. Email Marketing
Email marketing is an excellent way to reach your potential customers directly. For starters, you need to get your target audience’s email address to send them emails. Encourage email subscriptions by asking your website’s visitors to fill out a fill form in return for promotional material, such as a discount, free eBook, guide, premium downloadable content etc. Building your email list is a crucial part of email marketing since, without plenty of people to send emails to, your efforts will go to waste.
Once you have an extensive email list, you should send engaging emails recipients would want to open. Additionally, you should include the links to your social media profiles so recipients can be redirected there so they can follow you. Moreover, it’s always a good idea to add images and GIFS and send as a HTML email not a plain text email since visual content is always more engaging, dynamic and professional than plain text.
You should also personalize your emails by using an email outreach automation tool that allows you to reach as many customers as possible. Lastly, never forget to include a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage readers to do something after they read your emails.
3. Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing is an immensely powerful tool that provides endless lead generation opportunities for your business. Depending on the kind of business you run, you should build profiles on multiple social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc. to just name a few. For example, E-commerce businesses, for instance, need to have at minimum profiles on Instagram and Facebook depending on the target audience due to Facebooks and Instagram features to be able to have shops integrated into their online platforms. These platforms make it very easy for consumers too quickly and easily purchase products due to already having credit card and shipping information stored in the app for easy check out.
Social Media Marketing is an immensely powerful tool that provides endless lead generation opportunities for your business. Depending on the kind of business you run, you should build profiles on multiple social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc. to just name a few. For example, E-commerce businesses, for instance, need to have at minimum profiles on Instagram and Facebook depending on the target audience due to Facebooks and Instagram features to be able to have shops integrated into their online platforms. These platforms make it very easy for consumers too quickly and easily purchase products due to already having credit card and shipping information stored in the app for easy check out.
Best ways to generate leads on social Media:
- Responding to questions and comments
- Starting discussions with your followers
- Posting short and engaging product videos
- Adding trending hashtags to your posts to create buzz
- Running contests
- Encouraging followers to share user-generated content
- Sharing social media exclusive promotional codes
- Organizing giveaways
4. Influencer Marketing
An influencer is described as someone who has the power to influence the purchase decisions of others. With 49 percent of consumers currently depending on influencer recommendations, influencer marketing is only going to increase.
An excellent way to generate leads for your business is to collaborate with influencers in your niche. By building a mutually-beneficial relationship, you can not only take advantage of the influencer’s following, but they can take advantage of yours, too!
Top 4 ways influencer marketing can help you:
- Promoting you at an event
- Contributing to your website or social media profiles
- Sharing a review
- Posting about you on their profiles
The key to succeeding at influencer marketing is to find the influencer with an audience that fits your buyer personas. You should also ensure you set your goals from the start and determine what you hope to achieve from this relationship.
5. Blogs
A blog gives your target audience a reason to keep returning to your website. While blog posts don’t always take a lot of time to write (depending on the article of course…), they do lead to short and long-term benefits for your business and SEO.
To make the most of your blog, you should, firstly, offer exclusive content that your audience can’t find anywhere else. Researching content extensively and providing a unique angle can establish you as an authority figure in your niche and, hence, help you generate more leads.
When you create a blog, it’s also essential to promote it on your other marketing channels, such as your social media profiles and email campaigns. Every new post should be shared on social media to attract as much attention as possible and help generate more leads for your business.
You should also encourage readers to participate in discussions in the comment sections by including a Call to Action (CTA) at the end of every post. Additionally, every blog post should have links to other relevant blog posts. Lastly, you should encourage guest posts from time to time and invite other bloggers and authority figures to contribute to your blog.
6. Referral Marketing
One of the best ways to attract new customers is through your current customer base. For many people, getting a recommendation from someone they trust is the deciding factor for their purchase decision. There are many referral programs through which your customers can recommend your products and customers to people they know.
When you’ve managed to build customer loyalty with your existing customers, you should capitalize on that trust by promoting the referral program to existing customers.
(We hope you have as much energy about a referral program as this man)
To encourage customers to participate in the referral program, you can offer them an exclusive discount, gift card, or, even, free products. To promote this referral program, you should personally reach to existing customers through social media and email marketing campaigns with relevant CTA’s. These programs are not ideal to promote to the mass public who might stumble upon your site by accident.
If you’re confused about where to start, you can always explore examples of referral programs to help you determine which route would be the best for your business.
There are countless marketing channels available for you to take advantage of to maximize lead generation. Like everything else, lead generation won’t happen for you overnight. By allocating your efforts in the right areas, you can attract new customers and grow your business to new heights.
What other ways can you generate more leads for your business?
Let us know on our instagram page, we are more receptive there than spam robots who like leaving comments here! Or you can always send us an email!
We hope this article helped you rethink lead generation for your business!
As always,
The Amplific Lab Team